What is special about the PCD8.K111 (PGU cable)?

FAQ #100151

For going online with PG5 using PGU mode a special cable (PCD8.K111) is needed. What is the difference between a normal crossed cable and the PCD8.K111)?


The important thing is that the pin 4 (PC side, DTR) is connected to pin 6 (PCD side, DSR).
When going online in PGU mode, this signal is set high and causes the PCD to unassign the port 0 (if it was assigned before) and reassign it in PGU mode. Therfore it always is possible to go online in PGU mode.

Please note that in case the option "Full RS-232 handshaking on Port 0" (for modem connections) is checked in the hardware settings of a PCD3.M5 or a PCD2.M5, the PGU signal (DSR) can no longer be detected. In this case, the only possibility for going online in PGU mode is using the USB cable (or using an S-Bus PGU port which had been configured in the hardware settings previously). 


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PCD8 Hardware / Kxxx

Last update: 28.05.2015 22:12

First release: 16.06.2004 09:11

Views: 9416

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