Why the OPC-Server is started several times?

FAQ #100901

Most probably the reason of the problem is in the settings of the DCOM.

If on the DCOM settings the application is defined as “Launching User” then this will invoke the start of multiple instances of the OPC server.



More information’s could be found on the manual of the OPC-Server “DCOM_Setup.pdf” which is distributed together with the OPC-Server. 

On the chapter Setting up DCOM for Merz OPC Server Properties under Windows XP
of the DCOM_Setup.pdf you will find the following information: 

“In the Identity tab set the user from whose account it will be possible to start Merz OPC Server (there is no relation to the setting of who can start and access Merz OPC Server).
The Interactive User or This User option can be chosen with Merz OPC Server.
The difference is that if you use the Interactive User option, you will not be able to operate Merz OPC Server if nobody has logged on the computer on which it has to be started.
The Launching User option is not applicable since with this setting more than one Merz OPC Server installation are started for more than one user and only the installation started as the first one has access to the unshared system tools (e.g. serial interface).”


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Software (except PG5) / OPC Server

Last update: 31.05.2015 10:49

First release: 11.03.2008 16:17

Views: 3258

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