How can I create a Cross-Reference List of the PPO-variables used in the WebEditor?

FAQ #100992

Sometimes it's quite useful to have a link to all the PPO variables one uses in the WebEditor. There's a PPO list of the WebEditor used global variables. And one can also generate a Cross-Reference-File that lists all the *.teq-files and the PPO variables used in these *.teq.


In the WebEditor you can generate under 'Project' -> 'Generate Cross Reference file' this Cross Reference list. It's saved in the 'Web' folder of your working CPU and is called *CrossRef.txt. You can open this file with a Text-Editor and search for your variables and find out where they're used in your WebEditor project.



Web Editor5

Last update: 22.05.2015 08:29

First release: 11.08.2008 07:19

Views: 1655

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