PCD3.M6860 with Profi-SIO

FAQ #101904

It is not possible to select PCD3.M6860 with Profi-SIO (Saia PG5 Network configurator) altough the PCD3.M6860 is supported with PG5 2.1.xxx or higher.

If you select a wrong type, the error message "Warning 562 appears". If you try to compile a project with wrong configuration, it will fail with error 563.





The PCD type PCD3.M6860 is missing in the configuration dialogue.


For PG5 2.1.310 / PG5 2.1.311 Download and replace the file Snet52.exe in the installation folder (Program files / SBC / PG5 V2.1.310). 

This file has been corrected and will be included in future versions (patches or new versions) 

Related Files:


PG5 2.0 / Profi-S-I/O

Last update: 27.05.2015 07:38

First release: 10.06.2014 09:35

Views: 138

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
