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  • M-Bus on Saia PCD®

    PCD2.F27x0 and PCD3.F27x


A PCD1.M2, PCD2.M5 or PCD3 can act as M-Bus Master using the according connection interface module PCD3.F27x or PCD2.F27x0.

Module overview

There exist 4 different M-Bus module types to be plugged into PCD I/O slot 0..3. The difference between the types is the amount of M-Bus slaves which can be connected per module (on the two ports)

Modules for the PCD1.M2 and PCD2.M5

240 slaves
20 slaves
60 slaves
120 slaves

Modules for PCD3.Mxxx0 and PCD3.T666
240 slaves
20 slaves
60 slaves
120 slaves


System Catalogue : M-Bus

Extract 26-215_B0265 System Catalogue : M-Bus


field bus module for capturing consumption data

ENG18 .pdf 0.40 MB Download
FRA18 .pdf 0.41 MB Download
GER18 .pdf 0.41 MB Download
ITA18 .pdf 0.40 MB Download

M-Bus Master Module PCD2.F27x0 & PCD3.F27x

Manual 27-603 M-Bus Master Module PCD2.F27x0 & PCD3.F27x

DE05 .pdf 1.34 MB Download
EN05 .pdf 1.41 MB Download
FR05 .pdf 1.41 MB Download

FBoxes for reading the Energy meters with Fupla (MBus drivers)

PG5 2.3 M-Bus driver for Saia Energy Meter ALD/ALE/AWD with M-Bus

Software PG5 2.3 M-Bus driver for Saia Energy Meter ALD/ALE/AWD with M-Bus

Do NOT install this library if you already have the M-Bus library from Engiby installed, update the lib from Engiby instead.

2.7.694 .exe 0.78 MB Download

FBoxes for PG5 1.4 can be found here

FBoxes for PG5 2.0 can be found here

In case you use the M-Bus FBox library from Engiby: do not install the SBC M-Bus library in parallel but upgrade the M-Bus library from Engiby (which also supports the SBC M-Bus Energy meters).

Minimal FBox library for using the PCD3/7.F27x is the "M-Bus or the M-Bus library from the company Engiby 2.6.104.

The "M-Bus SBC" FBox library can be used for the M-Bus Energy Meters from SBC only, the library from Engiby supports various other M-Bus slaves.


Firmware used in production

PCD3F2xx and PCD2F2xx0

Firmware 1.04.06 PCD3F2xx and PCD2F2xx0

Current official production firmware version of the PCDx.F2xx (0) modules

1.04.06 .blk 0.10 MB Download

ApplicationNote F2xx FirmwareUpdate 2011

Firmware ApplicationNote F2xx FirmwareUpdate 2011

Procedure for updating the firmware of a PCD2.F2xx0 or PCD3.F2xx

EN Archive .pdf 0.07 MB Download

Good to know

There is an example of a PG5 project for M-Bus communication available in the Getting Started area.
Minimal PCD firmware is 1.16.52 and can be downloaded here (4.2 MB).
For older PCD systems (such as the PCD2.M170 or the PCD1.M1x5) a pure FBox solution (using a gateway) from the company Engiby exists.
If the M-Bus implementation is written in IL using the "character mode" the modules F270(0) are to be used; other modules (e.g. PCD2.F2710) do not support the character mode.

PCD2 / Fxxx

  • Are the LonWorks devices PCD2.F240, PCD3.F2400 and PCD7.R582 still available? (FAQ #102064)
  • Does the PCD support the MP-Bus light protocol and it’s possible connect up to 16 Belimo devices to one MP-Bus line? (FAQ #102016)
  • It’s possible to connect more than 8 MP-Bus devices on a MP-bus line (F180 or F280/F280 card)? (FAQ #102015)
  • Why the configuration of the DALI devices over PCD2.F2610 or PCD3.F261 and the F-Box ‘Dali Cfg Manger’ does not work correctly? (FAQ #101900)
  • Why does my RS-232 S-Bus communication not work with the PCD2.F2xx0 and PCD3.F2xx module? (FAQ #101775)
  • Why do I get the error "Missing value" when reading some M-Bus devices? (FAQ #101762)
  • Incompatibility of PCD2 /PCD3.F27x(0) and "Hydrometer M-Bus Receiver 868" (FAQ #101717)
  • Why can't I read data from a CALEC aquametro energy master device? (FAQ #101710)
  • How to Download a Firmware to a PCD2.F2xxx or PCD3.F2xx Module (FAQ #101688)
  • What is new in the SBC M-Bus library 2.7.006? (FAQ #101604)
  • Why do some M-Bus devices not work on all ports of a PCD2.M5 or a PCD3? (FAQ #101382)
  • A PCD2.W3x0 conflicts with a PCD2.F2xx0 or a PCD2.R6000 on a PCD2.M5xxx (FAQ #101262)
  • Communication in Bus Terminal topology doesn't work on PCDx.F2xx Module! (FAQ #101091)
  • Different handling of the TBSY flag (in MC mode) between PCD3 / PCD2.M5 and older systems (FAQ #100655)

PCD3 / Fxxx

  • Are the LonWorks devices PCD2.F240, PCD3.F2400 and PCD7.R582 still available? (FAQ #102064)
  • Why are the inputs and outputs of a PCD3 systems not switched on and off correctly, or switched on and off randomly, or the I/O status not detected correctly in the PLC? (FAQ #102063)
  • Does the PCD support the MP-Bus light protocol and it’s possible connect up to 16 Belimo devices to one MP-Bus line? (FAQ #102016)
  • It’s possible to connect more than 8 MP-Bus devices on a MP-bus line (F180 or F280/F280 card)? (FAQ #102015)
  • Why the configuration of the DALI devices over PCD2.F2610 or PCD3.F261 and the F-Box ‘Dali Cfg Manger’ does not work correctly? (FAQ #101900)
  • PCD3.F27x and PCD2.F27xx M-Bus is not always short cut protected! (FAQ #101870)
  • Why does my RS-232 S-Bus communication not work with the PCD2.F2xx0 and PCD3.F2xx module? (FAQ #101775)
  • Why do I get the error "Missing value" when reading some M-Bus devices? (FAQ #101762)
  • Incompatibility of PCD2 /PCD3.F27x(0) and "Hydrometer M-Bus Receiver 868" (FAQ #101717)
  • Why can't I read data from a CALEC aquametro energy master device? (FAQ #101710)
  • How to Download a Firmware to a PCD2.F2xxx or PCD3.F2xx Module (FAQ #101688)
  • What is new in the SBC M-Bus library 2.7.006? (FAQ #101604)
  • Why do some M-Bus devices not work on all ports of a PCD2.M5 or a PCD3? (FAQ #101382)
  • Incompatibility of PCD7.F121 with PCD2.F2xxx / PCD3.F2xx (FAQ #101380)
  • Is Modbus supported by Saia PCD®s? (FAQ #101270)
  • Communication in Bus Terminal topology doesn't work on PCDx.F2xx Module! (FAQ #101091)
  • Why does the communication on the PCD3.F281 not work? (FAQ #101090)
  • Where can I plug flash memory modules on a PCD3 CPU? (FAQ #101027)
  • Why does my S-Bus communication with an PCD3.F2xx module show a diagnostic error? (FAQ #101011)
  • Is it possible to have more than one MP-Bus master in a Fupla File? (FAQ #100958)
  • Why is it no more possible to build an old Belimo MP-Bus project with PG5 1.4.300? (FAQ #100957)
  • Supported PCD communication ports for EIB/KNX driver (FAQ #100792)
  • Callback of PCD7.R500 module (FAQ #100783)
  • Why are all MP-Bus FBoxes green but all values are zero? (FAQ #100744)
  • Can I use the character mode with XON/XOFF protocol on NT-PCD's? (FAQ #100700)
  • Why does my PCD3.F180 stop communicating after a certain time? (FAQ #100693)
  • Different handling of the TBSY flag (in MC mode) between PCD3 / PCD2.M5 and older systems (FAQ #100655)
  • Possible reasons for not working PCD3.F1xx (FAQ #100649)
  • Why does a PCD7.F120 not work when used on a PCD3 or a PCD2.M5? (FAQ #100646)
  • Conflict between communication module (PCD3.F1xx) and memory module (PCD3.Rxxx) (FAQ #100636)
  • PCD3 with MP-Bus interface card PCD3.F180 - Error: No card echo (FAQ #100611)
  • Intelligent modules aren't correctly detected on HW version older than "D" (FAQ #100549)
  • Serial-S-Bus on RS422 issues (FAQ #100378)
  • Label with connection diagramm on PCD3.F150 (first series) can be wrong (FAQ #100350)
  • What is the difference between PCD7.F120 and PCD7.F121? (FAQ #100313)

PG5 2.0 / M-Bus

  • Why do I get the error "Missing value" when reading some M-Bus devices? (FAQ #101762)
  • Incompatibility of PCD2 /PCD3.F27x(0) and "Hydrometer M-Bus Receiver 868" (FAQ #101717)
  • How to start and trouble-shoot M-Bus communication? (FAQ #101716)
  • Why can't I read data from a CALEC aquametro energy master device? (FAQ #101710)
  • What is new in the SBC M-Bus library 2.7.006? (FAQ #101604)
  • What does the error message "Too many data" mean? (FAQ #101554)
  • Why do some M-Bus devices not work on all ports of a PCD2.M5 or a PCD3? (FAQ #101382)
  • How many M-Bus devices can I connect to one single PCD? (FAQ #101364)

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
