My Start-Page of the WebEditor project isn't displayed

FAQ #100795

There are several reasons listed below why your start page may not be displayed


- No virtual Java machine installed at all. We need a virtual Java machine to display dynamic
web pages. On never Windows virtual Java machine isn't installed anymore, because .Network
based. Get the actual version from

- The versions of IMasterSaia5_xx_xx.jar on the PCD (or in the WebConnect folder) and the
one used in the WebEditor project don't match.

- When you address your PCD via HTTP-direct by simply browsing with the IP-Address
(i.e. then per default the page start.htm will be displayed. If your project
doesn't contain this start.htm file, then the default start.htm from the firmware, with "Login/Logout",
"PCD Status" and "Variable Lists", is displayed. If your *.htm/*.html start file has another name
then you'll have to address it with it's name i.e.

- Your start page (*.htm or *.html) is not in the user programm of the PCD, not on the Flash Card
of the PCD and not in the WebConnect folder.

- Your *.teq file you defined as your main-teq file in the WebEditor project is not in the user programm
of the PCD, not on the Flash Card of the PCD and not in the WebConnect folder.



Web Editor5

Last update: 24.05.2015 04:28

First release: 26.10.2007 06:58

Views: 1040

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
