How many PCD7.L7xx room controllers can be connected to one PCD?

FAQ #101031

The FBoxes for the room controllers need quite a lot ressources. Therefore it is depending on the project, how many room controller FBoxes can be introduced in a project.


Based on our experiences we stronly recommend not to connect/program more than 45 Room controllers per PCD.

Required ressources:

 FBox type Register Flags Code size
 PCD7.L720/730 32 78 807 bytes
 PCD7.L721 32 84 895 bytes
 PCD7.L722 33 84 898 bytes
 PCD7.L723/724 33 87 907 bytes
 PCD7.L725 33 90 980 bytes
 PCD7.L726/727 33 93 989 bytes
 PCD7.L RIO 21 69 583 bytes
 PCD7.L Diag 1 13 28 bytes
 PCD7.L SetPnt 8 5 72 bytes


PCD7 / Lxxx

Last update: 06.04.2015 12:46

First release: 03.10.2008 12:16

Views: 2068

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