How to switch off the autonegotiation mode of a PCD7.F65x?

FAQ #100228

Under some circumstances (if e.g. a connected switch is locked to 100 MBits and has no auto negotiation mode) it may be required that the autonegotiation mode of a PCD7.F65x is swiched off and the speed and Duplex mode are set by the user program. In this FAQ the procedure to do so is described.


The configuration of the Physical Chip of the PCD7.F65x is to be configured by using the System Function ConfigurePHY. This function first was introduced in the following FW versions. Make sure the PCD used has the concerned FW (or a later version).

Module/PCDFW version
PCD1.M2120not implemented
PCD2.M480not implemented
PCD2.M5xx0not implemented
PCD3.Mxxx0not implemented
PCD6.M3not implemented

Below you can find the syntax of the relevant CSF:

   CSF[cc] S.IPD.Library
   Autonegatiate (R)
   Speed (R) 
   Duplex Mode (R)
   Error Status (R)

Where the following values are possible


0 no autonegotiation
1 working in auto negotiation mode

 Speed 1 for 10 Mb/s
2 for 100 Mb/s
3 for 10 and 100 Mb/s (only allowed in autonegotiation mode)
 Duplex mode 1 for half-Duplex mode
2 for full-Duplx mdoe
3 for half- and full-Duplex mode (only allowed in autonegation mode)
 Error Status

0 if no error
in autonegotiation mode: autonegotiation not successed
not in autonegotiation mode: it wasn't possible to put the Physical Chip into the fixed configuration

On the PCD3 or PCD2.M5 systems it is not possible to switch off the autonegotiation. This option has been realized because in some very rare cases some problems occurred in relation to the PCD7.F650 interface card. As no such problems have been observed on PCD3 and PCD2.M5 systems, it was decided not to implement this mechanism on these systems.



PCD7 / Fxxx

Communication / Ether-S-Bus

Last update: 31.05.2015 21:20

First release: 27.09.2004 15:01

Views: 18506

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
