Why does the DDC Suite FBox "Motor 2-speed" not swich to speed 2 if BACnet is used?

FAQ #101420

When using the FBox "Motor 2-speed 2.0" (or the "Motor 3-speed 2.0"from the FBox family "DDC Controls" with the option BACnet activated, it can happen that the motor does not change to speed 2 (but shortly is switched off before re-using speed 1).


When using the FBox "Motor 2-speed 2.0" from the FBox family "DDC Controls" with the option BACnet activated, it can happen that the motor does not change to speed 2 (but shortly is switched off before re-using speed 1).

In case the option BACnet has been selected, the feature from "HMI Super" has not been deactivated.

The versions listed below correct this wrong behaviour. Please update your library and then rebuild and download the program again.

  • PG5 1.4.300: DDC Suite library version 2.5.150 
  • PG5 2.0.110: DDC Suite library version 2.6.150


Communication / BACnet

Local FAQ Deutschland / DDC Suite

PG5 2.0 / DDC Suite

Last update: 28.05.2015 23:37

First release: 10.05.2010 12:50

Views: 6135

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
