How is it possible to analyze an Ethernet Network, especially for BACnet?

FAQ #101795

If you have to analyze an Ethernet Network, you have to connect the monitoring PC between the communicating devices. The easiest way to realize that is with a hub (which are no more available) or with a switch with a special monitor port.


The monitoring PC can only see the TCP/IP communication on his own Ethernet port.
When B is talking with C, A cannot listen to it because a normal switch do not forward each communication to all ports but only on the port where the dedicated receiver station is connected.
The solution is to use a switch with a monitor port. Any communication over this switch is mirrored on this special port  like a hub.
You have to connect your analyzing PC to this monitor port and you will get all the traffic which go over this switch.
We recommend to buy a Netgear ProSafe GS 105E switch.
This smal switch has 5 ports, one of them is the monitor port.
It is easy to configurate with a Web-interface.
To analyze the TCP/IP traffic, we recommend to use the Wireshark software. See also FAQ 100569.


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Communication / BACnet

Last update: 20.05.2015 11:44

First release: 14.09.2012 07:36

Views: 13677

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
