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Services FAQ Third party products

Third Party Products

  • Why my frequency converter go only to 2.5Hz? (FAQ #101958)
  • How can a KOE type timer be replaced? (FAQ #101727)
  • Is the "Modbus 1" FBox library from Engiby available for PG5 2.0, PG5 2.1 or PG5 2.2? (FAQ #101481)
  • Link to Engiby FBox libraries "Modbus 2" and "M-Bus" version 2.6.xxx (FAQ #101480)
  • Compatibility of FBox libraries from Engiby with PG5 2.0 SP1 (FAQ #101479)
  • Can I use the "PG5 2.0 Library import" for libraries I bought from Engiby? (FAQ #101357)
  • Does the DP/DP coupler 6ES7 from Siemens work with a PCD system? (FAQ #101253)
  • How to interface Saia PCD® with the Hotel Management Systems from micros-FIDELIO? (FAQ #100947)
  • PCMCIA card with 2 serial COM Ports (RS-232) suitable for S-Bus (FAQ #100764)
  • Is it possible to use the Siemens WinCC visualisation with SBC Classic PCD's? (FAQ #100508)
  • Sensors on Belimo MP-Bus don't show the correct values (FAQ #100388)
  • S-Bus communication problems with PCD3 (FAQ #100336)

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
