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Services Getting started Introduction Introduction to PCD Classic

General introduction into Saia PCD® Classic

This page is created as overview for the philosophy of the PLC family Saia PCD® Classic. It is thought for people that haven't worked with the products of Saia Burgess Controls AG. The introduction is divided into the following parts:

What is a Saia PCD® Classic controller

The SaiaPCD® Classic controllers belong to the family of Programmable Logical Controllers (PLC) that are used to automate facilities and machines as well as in the building automation. The Saia PCD® Classic product range consists of a specific combination of operating system (firmware), CPUs, interface modules and software tools.

The flexibility and functionality range of the PCD controllers is much wider than the one of conventional PLCs and the long product life cycles as well as timeless design offer an optimal investment protection.
The extraordinary numerous communication possibilities complete the image of a very advantageous PLC.
The integrated S-Bus protocol (depending on the CPU type over serial line, TCP/IP, Profi-S-net and/or USB) allows connection(s) to a SCADA at a very low price level.

The term "Saia PCD® Classic"

The term "Classic" stands for the PCD (Process Control Device) types that are to be programmed by using the programming tool "PG5 Controls Suite". The PG5 Controls Suite contains the appropriate programming tools for all features of the Saia PCD® Classic controllers and is a product from Saia-Burgess Controls AG.
The Firmware (operating system of the PLC) running on the Classic PCDs is also developed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG.
Since all parts (Hardware, Programming tool PG5 and Firmware) needed to successfully run a PLC are developed and manufactured by SBC, these tools perfectly fit together.

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
