Désolé. Votre demande n'a pas pu être traitée.

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.

  • SBC.Net Web-Connect

SBC S-Web (Webserver Classic/PG5)

SBC.Net & Web-Connect

Manual 26-800 SBC.Net & Web-Connect



DE04 New .pdf 1.22 MB Download
EN04 New .pdf Download
IT04 .pdf 1.11 MB Download

SBC.Net Web-Connect (for Classic and xx7 systems)

Web-Connect Software (no licence fees, distributable without restrictions). This software is also available on the SBC Controls Suite CD (PG5 2.0 CD).
For Windows XP users: Please note that the Web-Connect software requires the Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0.

Web-Connect Software for 32 bit Windows (XP, Vista, Windows7)

Software Web-Connect Software for 32 bit Windows (XP, Vista, Windows7)

EN Archive .exe 20.26 MB Download

Web-Connect Software for 64 bit Windows (Vista, Windows7)

Software Web-Connect Software for 64 bit Windows (Vista, Windows7)

Archive .exe 20.35 MB Download

Webserver xx7/Step7

Demo Version of the xx7 Web Server PCD8.C750

Software Demo Version of the xx7 Web Server PCD8.C750

Web-Builder, Web-Connect, examples. Limitation of the demonstration version: Web-Builder does only allow to convert 2 HTML pages

EN Archive .zip 7.52 MB Download

Web-Server xx7

Manual 26-775 Web-Server xx7



DE05 .pdf 2.28 MB Download
EN05 .pdf 2.30 MB Download


  • File written to the file system by the PCD can’t be accessed with HTTP protocol (FAQ #101686)
  • How to include values in Excel from a PCD with CGI commands? (FAQ #101574)
  • How many web-clients can be connected at the same time to the S-Web Server over Ether-S-Bus? (FAQ #101431)
  • Why are the values not displayed on the webpage when connecting over modem with Webconnect (FAQ #101430)
  • Why can't my WebConnect find the SComm driver? (FAQ #101127)
  • Where does SBC.Net WebConnect store its configuration? (FAQ #101126)
  • Why does WebConnect not close automatically when shutting down the PC? (FAQ #101125)
  • Why is my start-page not displayed in the browser when using SWebConnect? (FAQ #101018)
  • How to connect a PCD behind an (A)DSL router? (FAQ #101007)
  • How can I handle, let's say, 'unlimited' numbers of connections to the S-Web server? (FAQ #100982)
  • Why can't I download an I/O configuration to a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100971)
  • Not possible to install PG5 1.4 on a PC with Windows 7 or on a PC on general (FAQ #100969)
  • Is it possible to have subfolders in the Webpages folder for Webconnect? (FAQ #100961)
  • Information’s about TAPI modem settings on PG5. (FAQ #100891)
  • Can I enter an IP address as URL in Web-Connect? (FAQ #100867)
  • How to close a connection of S-Web-Connect? (FAQ #100822)
  • Why are the configured stations in SWebConnect on a Win CE panel not saved (FAQ #100758)
  • Why does the S-WebConnect not start? (FAQ #100736)
  • Why is the "variables list" not working when online using a http-direct connection? (FAQ #100725)
  • Can a WebConnect connection over modem be forced to disconnect after a certain time? (FAQ #100572)
  • How to hang up a modem connection in a S-Web editor project (FAQ #100566)
  • The variables are not visible on the Webpages: "No message" is displayed instead of the value! (FAQ #100561)
  • PG5 controls suite on a linux system (FAQ #100426)
  • May I change the port number for requests via WebConnect? (FAQ #100347)
  • Which Java(TM) Virtual Machine is recommended for the use with the Monitorio? (FAQ #100293)
  • File names containing space characters do cause problems (e.g. "no response") (FAQ #100253)
  • Why it's not possible to start the WebConnect SW on my WIN-XP PC? (FAQ #100210)
  • What files should be downloaded to the PCD and what files placed in the WebPages folder? (FAQ #100021)

S-Web Technology / ADSL

  • Why are the horizontal and vertical lines in web pages created with PG5 2.3.175 and displayed in HTML5 Runtime or TEQ Runtime not displayed horizontally/vertically, but 'skewed' with an offset of one pixel? (FAQ #102055)
  • How to set up DynDNS on a router? (FAQ #101197)
  • How to know the IP Address of a device addressed with an URL? (FAQ #101064)
  • How to connect a PCD behind an (A)DSL router? (FAQ #101007)
  • How I have to configure my ADSL router? (FAQ #100454)
  • How can I know the TCP/IP address of a public e-mail server? (FAQ #100453)
  • Experiences with ADSL Routers (FAQ #100203)

S-Web Technology / Android- and iPhone Apps

  • Why are the horizontal and vertical lines in web pages created with PG5 2.3.175 and displayed in HTML5 Runtime or TEQ Runtime not displayed horizontally/vertically, but 'skewed' with an offset of one pixel? (FAQ #102055)
  • On PG5 2.3.192 projects, why the Web-Editor login macro does not work well if the web page is displayed on SBC Microbrowser Web-Panels or Windows Microbrowser App? (FAQ #102053)
  • Why does suddenly the Microbrowser-App on my iOS Apple device or Android device not work anymore, error message ‘unable to Verify App’ is shown on the device? (FAQ #102023)
  • Why after a update of the Microbrowser Android app to the version 2.0.0_4 the error message 'file not found' is shown? (FAQ #101918)
  • Is it possible to increase the Heap size for the SBC Micro Browser App for Android smartphones/tablet? (FAQ #101851)
  • Is there an Android application to display S-Web editor projects on Android devices? (FAQ #101794)
  • Why can't I see the content of the PCD WebServer on my Android- or iPhone App? (FAQ #101777)

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
